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  • Release person:admin
  • Time:2024-01-26 09:59:47
The COD biodegradation agent of Nugget salt-tolerant bacteria contains selectively screened moderately halophilic bacteria (salt tolerance 30000~80000mg/L). It is applicable in various fields such as oil refineries, petrochemicals, and fine chemicals. It can rapidly adjust itself in high salinity wastewater, adapt to water quality environments, and ensure a high and stable COD removal efficiency in high salinity conditions.
Principle of action:
The toxic effects of high salt environments on ordinary microorganisms are evident, mainly due to damage to cell membranes and enzymes under high osmotic pressure, thereby inhibiting the physiological activities of microorganisms. The COD biodegradation agent of salt-tolerant bacteria, with its special physiological structure composition and metabolic regulation mechanism, can thrive and reproduce in extreme high-salt environments. This halophilic microorganism has the ability to degrade organic pollutants, such as the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, and organic phosphorus pollutants.
Parameter Value
Appearance Yellow-brown solid powder
Total Colony Count 5 billion CFU/G
Salmonella Not detected
Product Characteristics and Advantages:
Nugget Microbial Agent
Can rapidly remove COD in high-salinity wastewater, enhance the activity or resistance of activated sludge; can quickly restore the activity of activated sludge when the system is impacted by activated sludge.
Recommended usage conditions:
Dissolved Oxygen: 2-5mg/L
Temperature: 10-45°C, optimum 28-35°C
pH: 6~9
Salinity: 30000~80000mg/L
Usage Instructions:
NG-BioSA can be used for various applications, especially during high load or shock conditions in wastewater treatment plants and during the start-up phase. During normal periods, add directly to the aerobic tank once a day. The dosage depends on variables such as wastewater composition, daily average flow, the volume of the bioreactor, and COD load. Consult Nugget technical engineers for specific dosing instructions.
Packaging Specifications:
Packaging: 10kg/Pail
Safety and Storage:
Store the product in a sealed container in a cool, dry place. Control the ambient temperature between 4~25°C. Avoid direct sunlight, high temperatures, freezing, and contamination. Avoid direct contact with the skin; in case of contact, wash hands thoroughly with warm soapy water. Avoid eye contact.
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