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NG-Bio 03

  • Release person:admin
  • Time:2016-08-31 19:58:09
NG-Bio 03
COD Bio-degradation
Nugget COD Biodegradation Agent “NG-Bio 03” contains a diverse selection of beneficial microbial combinations, enabling it to handle a wide range of highly complex wastewater types. “NG-Bio 03” is used in municipal/industrial wastewater to improve COD/BOD removal efficiency and enhance the stability of wastewater treatment plants.
Industrial wastewater treatment plants face unique challenges in treating wastewater generated through manufacturing or production processes. The characteristics of the wastewater produced are as complex and varied as the industries themselves. Even within industries, each wastewater treatment plant has unique water quality characteristics. As wastewater treatment regulations become increasingly stringent and penalties for non-compliance become more severe, wastewater treatment has become more critical than ever. At the same time, meeting increasingly strict effluent quality requirements has become increasingly challenging.
For many years, Shenyang Nugget has established a vast microbial library by searching for microorganisms and classifying them based on their ability to degrade different organic compounds. This enables Nugget to develop microbial formulations that are more efficient than natural microorganisms and can be applied in wastewater treatment plants. By adding these microorganisms, wastewater treatment plants can better maintain the normal functioning of microbial communities during toxic outbreaks and enhance the ability of microbial communities to improve effluent quality.
The microbial mixed formulation in “NG-Bio 03” can degrade numerous organic compounds, making it an ideal choice for industries that produce complex wastewater streams. By maintaining a normal and reasonable microbial community through NG-Bio 03, degradation of BOD and COD is enhanced, coagulation is improved, sedimentation capacity is increased, and thus the efficiency of wastewater treatment plants is improved, and operations are simplified.
Significant reduction in labor time
Increase in BOD/COD removal rate
Reduction in hydrogen sulfide production
Degradation of various complex organic compounds
Economical and simple to apply
Reduction in sludge generation
Free from any chemicals
Elimination of source odors
Increase in system stability
Stable biomass
Increase in the maximum removal rate of organic matter (measured by BOD, COD, or TOC).
Increase in growth rate and utilization to cope with high organic loads, achieving higher stability.
Strengthening the biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, leather production waste, mineral oils, pharmaceuticals, and surfactants.
Response to toxic shocks and rapid restoration of biochemical systems.
Ability to degrade various industrially difficult-to-decompose chemicals.
It has been verified that "NG-Bio 03" is an efficient biological solution that not only improves effluent quality and enhances the stability of wastewater treatment plants but also reduces performance variability in a wide range of industrial facilities.
Here is a case of use in a treatment plant:
Usage Recommendations
"NG-Bio 03" can be used for various applications, including improving COD removal efficiency and maintaining the stability of wastewater treatment plants with daily doses, increasing doses during high loads or disruptions in sewage treatment plants, and adding seeds during the startup phase of sewage treatment plants.
Add "NG-Bio 03" directly to the aerobic treatment unit once a day. The microorganisms in "NG-Bio 03" can operate normally within a pH range of 6.0-9.0, with optimal performance near pH 7.0. The temperature of the wastewater can affect the activity, with the maximum growth rate approximately doubling for every 10°C increase in temperature (up to around 40°C). When the temperature is below 5°C, the activity will be very low.
The dosage rate of "NG-Bio 03" depends on the volume of the bioreactor and the COD load. During the initial addition of the microbial agent, increasing the dosage can quickly establish microbial dominance in the system. After the microbial community is properly formed, regular doses are needed to maintain accelerated biological activity.
Primary Applications
Municipal/industrial wastewater treatment plants
Sewage storage tanks
Oxidation ditches
Lift stations
Oxidation ponds
Activated sludge treatment
Appearance: Brownish-brown powdered solid
Main Components: Aerobic and facultative bacteria, enzyme preparations, nutrients
Bacterial Count: ≥5×10E+9 cfu/g
Shelf Life: 12 months
Packaging Specifications: 10kg/Pail
Safety, Use, and Storage
Store in a cool, dry place. Avoid inhalation. After use, thoroughly clean hands with soap and water. Avoid contact with eyes.
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